Good Moening Monday!
Morning Carla and Off family!
Hope you all had a great Mother's Day. I sure did. It was Krissy's birthday also. 17 years ago I was at her birth and got to see her born. When she was 1 month her birth mother changed her mind and took her back. I thought someone had ripped out my insides.
At 2 1/2 months her birth mother tested positive for crystal meth and child protective services took her from her. It was in another county so it took us 1 1/2 months to finally get her back home, we were the 4 foster family and the last, she was almost 2 years old when the adoption was final. All in all she was the best Mother's Day present any one could of ever gotten!! I love her so much!
I worked on my new quilt all day yesterday and tomorrow I have quilting class for the quilt I'm make Krissy.
Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,
Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,
Carla, so glad your friend is improving so well. You're a really good friend to help her out the way you've been doing.
I had a wonderful Mothers Day. I went to church, and sat with my daughter's in-laws, and had the joy of seeing my grandson, Frankie, being dedicated, along with two of his cousins. While my daughter and son-in-law were up front, holding him, he started smiling at the congregation and clapping. I think he may grow up to be in show business. He enjoyed having an audience.
After church, I went shopping, and bought a nice, leather bound Bible, to replace the one I lost in the move. I used the gift card Colleen and Chris gave me for the Christian bookstore in town. I also got my hair trimmed and got some groceries.
When I got home, I got a call from Chris, and we talked for two hours. It was a great conversation. When we finished, it was time for the evening service, so I went and sat with Colleen. After I got home, I called my Mom, whom I had tried to reach right after church, but couldn't. Then, Sean called, which is rarer than rare.
So, I had a great Mothers Day. I hope all the other women did as well.
Today, I had an early appointment with a nurse at the hematologist's office, to discuss some test results. This afternoon, I see the gastroenterologist regarding the abdominal pain and indigestion I've been experience for a while. Tonight, I am planning to visit a new AA meeting I've never been to. I don't make a lot of evening meetings for a variety of reasons. But, because this one is nearby, I thought I'd try it.
I hope everyone's Monday is as gorgeous at mine appears to be. I love the sunshine today.
Albert Schweitzer
Good Morning Carla and everyone..... glad your friend is doing so well. I wish you safe travels on your way home!! HUGS!!!!
Debbie...Happy Birthday Krissy!!! You are so blessed...what an awesome Mother's Day gift is right!! Glad you had a great Mother's Day as well!!
Trish.....Frankie may become a comedian!! Happy to hear you got your new bible. Now watch and see the old one will turn up...always good to have a spare!! Glad your Mother's Day was so an awesome one!!
As for Mother's Day was wonderful too!! Everything was perfect...we laughed and talked and had so much fun!! I got several wonderful gifts as well.Today I see my Psychiatrist to do a quick check in. He is just wonderful, We always have the best visits. I have had him as my doctor for many years!! I have several quick errands to run after the appointment. I also need to set up my sister's meds. That is about it for me. I feel pretty tired out today...I attribute it to the wonderful day is worth it!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!! Many, many in my prayers today for so many reasons.
Love and many hugs to all....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
Got up really late today, at noon. Stayed up late watching the White Sox game on DVR. They finally won. I'm surprised I could sleep with the lawnmower going outside early in the morning.
Not much happening here. Today's my Friday so I'm off to work tonight. Just not moving very fast. Would like to go back to bed actually.
Glad everyone had a good Mother's Day. Have a good Monday.